What is the difference between "few" and "a few"?

We know that few means little, small amount. This can be a positive thing, or a negative thing depending on how you view it. If you are wishing for more, little is negative. If you are not wishing for anything, say, then little is positive.

This is the difference between "few" and "a few"! "Few" has negative connotation, whereas "a few" has positive connotation.


Few - I don't feel happy here because I have few friends.
A few - I feel quite happy here because I have a few friends.

Few - Few people know about injustice of the state.
A few - There are a few people who know about the injustice.

Few - He is not knowledgeable because he has read few books in his life.
A few - I have some knowledge because I have read a few books on the subject.

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